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Sanitary distribution, since the last years is becoming more and more important in engineering, because of the continues research for innovative and comfortable solutions, able to satisfy the increasing needs of the customers looking for maximum comfort and conserving water.

The bathroom is now one the most important rooms of the house equipped with expensive ceramics and components, which in order to be exploited to their best, require distribution systems to be functional and long-lasting.

In a modern system, dangerous soldering of pipes must be eliminated, as they always present the risk of cracking with discharge of water, and which, to be repaired, require the breaking of coverings and ceramics, with great damage and problems for screening the repairs.

Pliable sanitary distribution presented by Giacomini, using cross link polyethylene pipe, combined with proper fittings and distribution manifolds equipped with regulating lock shields, is the solution preventing all those maintenance problems, providing advantages which have never been guaranteed by any other distribution system.